Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Identity in Pittsburgh

      As a senior in my last semester of college, I have spent my time at Chatham University majoring in interior architecture and minoring in French. I am originally from a small town called Elizabeth that is about an hour from Pittsburgh. It has always been a dream of mine to use my degree to work in the film industry as a production designer. In other words, I want to design sets for movies. In the fall of 2013 I applied to The American Film institute as well as New York University to further pursue a career in production design. In addition to my love of art and design I am also a musician. In my free time I enjoy singing, playing guitar, drawing, and horseback riding. Fun fact, I have two dogs named bear and Chloe whom I love dearly!

      Pittsburgh is a lively city in South Western Pennsylvania. It rests at the point between two rivers, the Allegheny River to the North, and the Monogahela River to the South. In the photo above I am sitting on the bank of the Allegheny River. The geography around Pittsburgh is very beautiful with the rolling hills of the Appalachian Mountains and lush vegetation in the summertime. 
     Each of the neighborhoods in Pittsburgh have their own distinct personalities. One of my favorite places is the neighborhood of East Liberty. East Liberty was recently revitalized and there are now many retail spaces, shops, and restaurants there. My favorite restaurant in East Liberty is called Paris 66. It is a little bistro where I can get French food. I like it because It reminds me of the time I spent in Paris studying French, and you can get great desserts there!



  1. Hi,I am Heather Chiu. It's awesome that you've studied in Paris.Food always reminds me of sweet memories.I worked at a cupcake store last summer vacation . Macaron, is always the best-selling product. Green tea is always the first choice for me.I hope i can travel to Paris and have a chance to visit Laduree, the world famous store .

    1. It is really cool that we have a common interest in Paris. Do you speak French at all? It would be a great opportunity if you are able to study there. It is an amazing city. What are some things that you like to do for fun, like hobbies? In my free time I really like to draw, and I love music. I play the guitar. Do you play any instruments?

  2. Hi! I’m your learning partner in Tung Hai University. I’m Jean.
    After reading your self-introduction, I really feel amazing about you majoring in interior architecture, a brain-storming department, that I admire you because I’m not good at 3D space.
    From your last paragraph and photo, I guess you are the person who enjoy dessert just like me. Maybe you can try Taiwan traditional dessert when you come to Taiwan. It is special and delicious.

  3. Hi Jean. It is nice to meet you. I am excited that we are learning partners! I would love to try traditional desserts in Taiwan as well as all types of other Taiwanese food. What is your favorite thing to do? Do you like sports, or do you have any other hobbies? I really like to play the guitar. Do you play any instruments?
